Project 5: Pandemic Virus Helicase Inhibitors

Molecular structure of SARS-CoV2 viral helicase in the viral replicase complex, viral helicase inhibitors

Molecular structure of SARS-CoV2 viral helicase in the viral replicase complex

SARS-CoV2 viral helicase (purple) is a key component in the viral replicase complex interacting with other viral proteins (e.g., viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase shown in green) to generate viral RNAs (shown in orange and blue wires).

SARS-CoV2 viral helicase (purple) is a key component in the viral replicase complex interacting with other viral proteins (e.g., viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase shown in green) to generate viral RNAs (shown in orange and blue wires).

Principal Investigator

Donghoon Chung, University of Louisville, Project 5, Helicase Inhibitor, Sars-Cov2, Covid-19

Donghoon Chung, Ph.D

[email protected]


Deputy Investigator

thomas bannister, UF scripps biomedical research, small molecule discovery, drug design, pandemic, covid-19, viruses, midwest Avidd

Thomas Bannister, Ph.D

[email protected]

scripps midwest avidd center

Deputy Investigator

Tim Spicer, uf scripps, virology, helicase inhibitors, drug development, virus, midwest avidd, midwest antiviral drug discovery center

Tim Spicer, Ph.D

[email protected]

scripps midwest avidd center
Teresa Head-Gordon, Ph.D: UC Berkeley, midwest Avidd, drug discovery antiviral

Teresa Head-Gordon, Ph.D: UC Berkeley

[email protected]

Dahai Luo, Nanyang technical university singapore, Core C, Computational Virology, Ming Luo, Project 1, Small Molecule inhibitors, Georgia State University

Dahia Luo, Ph.D: Nanyang Technical University, Singapore 

[email protected]

Damian Young, Ph.D, baylor, protease inhibitors, protein, covid-19, midwest Avidd, antiviral, pandemic

Damian Young, Ph.D: Baylor College of Medicine (OSC)

[email protected]

Kevin Raney, Ph.D: University of Arkansas, virology, helicase inhibitor, midwest AVIDD, midwest antiviral drug discovery center

Kevin Raney, Ph.D: University of Arkansas 

[email protected]

Michael Cameron, Ph.D: UF Scripps, virology, covid-19, midwest AViDD, Midwest antiviral drug discovery center

Michael Cameron, Ph.D: UF Scripps, OSC

[email protected]

Rommie Amaro, Amaro Lab, Covid-19, Midwest AViDD, Midwest Antiviral Drug Discovery Center,

Rommie Amaro, Ph.D: UC San Diego, OSC

[email protected]