Core D: Structural and Computational Virology

 x-ray crystallography, cryoelectron microscopy, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Principal Investigator

Rommie Amaro, Amaro Lab, Covid-19, Midwest AViDD, Midwest Antiviral Drug Discovery Center,

Rommie Amaro, Ph.D

[email protected]


Deputy Investigator

Dahai Luo, Nanyang technical university singapore, Core C, Computational Virology, Ming Luo, Project 1, Small Molecule inhibitors, Georgia State University

Dahai Luo, Ph.D

[email protected]


Co-Investigators and Other Significant Contributors (OSC)

Fang Li, Ph.D: University of Minnesota, coronavirus research center, spike protein, Midwest AViDD, University of minnesota, llama, lab leak, wuhan,

Fang Li, Ph.D: University of Minnesota

[email protected]

Timothy Palzkill, Ph.D: Baylor College of Medicine, midwest Avidd, university of minnesota, midwest antiviral drug discovery center, virology, mutagenesis, covid-19

Tim Palzkill, Ph.D: Baylor College of Medicine

[email protected]

Teresa Head-Gordon, Ph.D: UC Berkeley, midwest Avidd, drug discovery antiviral

Teresa Head-Gordon, Ph.D: UC Berkeley

[email protected]

Hideki Aihara, Ph.D: University of Minnesota, project 4: nuclease, AViDD, Midwest Antiviral Drug Discovery Center, Coronavirus research center

Hideki Aihara, Ph.D: University of Minnesota

[email protected]

yang yang, university of iowa, virology, nuclease inhibitors, midwest avidd, minnesota, pandemic, genius, sars, ebola, zika

Yang Yang, Ph.D: Iowa State University

[email protected]

Kang Congbao, Singapore, drug testing, drug discovery, sars, covid-19,

Kang Congbao Ph.D: A*Star, OSC

[email protected]

Bin Liu, hormel institute, drug discovery, university of minnesota, AViDD Midwest,

Bin Lui, Ph.D: Hormel Institute, University of Minnesota

[email protected]

wei zhang

Wei Zhang, Ph.D: University of Minnesota

[email protected]


Liew Chong Wai, Ph.D: Nanyang Technical University, OSC

[email protected]